Origin of cupping is Egypt in 1550 b.c as a method removing foreign matter from the body


Cupping increase the blood flow to sore area in muscles, providing important nutrients to the area that promote healing It can also provide pain relief by exciting small nerves inside muscles so that they release pain killing chemicals .


Cupping can provide pain relief and help ease the symptons of many common disorder of bones and muscles. You may benefit from cupping if you suffer from neck , shoulder, low back or foot pain, and its even been shown to be effective for osteoarthritis. Skin marketing are common after the cups are removed, varying from simple red rings, that disappear relatively quickly , to dis colourisation from braising , especially if the cups are dragged while suctioned from one place to another , ostensibly to break clown muscle fiber. Usually treatment are not very painful


Wet cupping is also know as hijama is Arabic “sucking “ or medicinal bleeding , where blood is drown by the local suction from a small skin incision. The first reported usages, are found in the Islamic hadith saying attributed to or describing the action of the Islamic Prophet Mohammed (saw) and hijima was practiced their time. In Quran its clearly mentioned that practing hijama is a sunna. Its is a reported that the Prophet Mohammed (saw) said “Indeed the best of remedies you have is hijama , and if there was something excellent to be use as a remedy then it is hijama. This is the process of using a vaccum at different pointd on the with incisions in order to remove : harmful” blood which lies just beneath the surface of the skin. In cupping (HIJAMA) there ia s cure and blessing. Abdullah ibn Abbas (as) reported that the messenger sallallahu “alayhi wa sallam said ,”healing is in three things .

  • In the incision of the cupper
  • In drinking honey
  • In cauterizing with fire “(but I forbid my ummah (nation) from cautrtization (branding with fire )”


Magnets are known to have positive effects on the body since they can induce the movement of electric currents through the body. These currents aid in the blood circulation in the body and since blood carries oxygen-rich nutrients to different parts of the body, magnets can assist in the healing of many ailments. Magnets when combined with the healing effects of cupping therapy have shown to do wonders for patients’ health.

The therapist begins by applying soothing oils or creams on the patient’s skin. The mechanism used for magnetic cupping is similar to vacuum cupping and mechanical pumps are used to create suction. Except in this case, a small cylindrical magnet is also fitted to the bottom of the cup. When a vacuum is created inside the inverted cup, the skin rises and comes in contact with the magnet. Since the magnet is set to target specific points on the patient’s body, it is also a form of acupressure. In this way, magnetic cupping provides the benefits of both cupping therapy and acupressure.

As per the needs of the patient, the therapist might place more than one or two cups on the skin simultaneously. The cups can be left on the skin for about 15 minutes at a time. To release the cups, the therapist relaxes the suction by again using the air pump. Patients might notice a little redness and circular marks on the skin after a magnetic cupping session. But these marks typically disappear in a few days’ time.


Facial or face cupping is a cosmetic therapy designed to improve the appearance of facial skin and reduce signs of aging such as wrinkles, dark circles and puffiness around the eyes, facial scarring, sagging skin and double chins. Symptoms of rosacea and acne are also removed and it works to alleviate headaches and earaches.

Patients suffering from sinus problems, allergies and facial paralysis resulting from Parkinsons’ disease or a stroke have also reported improvement. Facial cupping can help to provide relief in conditions where there is stiffness of the Temporal Mandibular Joints or the joints that help in the movement of the jaw for speaking, chewing or facial expressions.

The cupping therapist uses special glass cups that are particularly designed for use on the face. These cups are attached to a small rubber bulb that acts like a pump to create suction on the skin. The skin is first prepared with the application of organic herbal oils or healing creams. Once a light suction is created, the cup is moved over the face, neck, shoulders and upper chest. This movement stimulates the flow of blood to the skin that is flushed with oxygen and essential nutrients.

These factors serve to repair and nurture the skin giving it a more glowing and youthful appearance. The skin is more supple and collagen formation is improved. Further any impurities are moved to the lymphatic system and later expelled from the body. Any lines and scars on the face are also plumped up, reducing their ungainly appearance. Unlike other forms of cupping, there are never any treatment marks on the skin.


Glass CuppingThis kind of cupping is also called flash-fire cupping or Shanhuofa in Chinese cupping. A cotton ball is soaked in a solution that contains up to 70% alcohol. The ball is held by a pair of forceps or pliers and lit with matches or a lighter. It is held inside the cup to create heat and then quickly removed before inverting the cup on the skin.

Another variation called Dijiufa or alcohol fire cupping is to pour a small quantity of alcohol into the cup and light it. The fire is allowed to go out before inversion.


This therapy uses a combination of acupuncture and wet cupping. Acupuncture needles are inserted into the appropriate points in the patient’s skin. Leaving the needles in place, the therapists places heated cups over the area to create a vacuum also.


Another form of Islamic cupping, this technique is a variation of acupuncture cupping. A needle heated with dried mugwort or Artemisia vulgaris leaves is used to pierce the skin before placing a cup to create suction.


This is a form of Islamic cupping. A herbal solution was put into the cup before creating a vacuum.


Liquid cupping is also called Shuiguanfa in Chinese cupping. It is so called because the bamboo cups used to create suction were first boiled in a solution steeped with herbs before instantly being applied on the skin.


In ancient China, animal horns were used to administer cupping thus giving it the name horn therapy or horn cupping.


This Islamic technique of cupping is perhaps the most rarely used of all cupping therapies. A cup is filled to a third of its capacity with warm water. Next a ball of burning cotton is slipped into the cup and instantly inverted over the skin. Expert therapists can perform this cupping without spilling a single drop of water.


The cupping procedure commonly involves creating a small area of low air pressure next to the skin. The method of creating the low pressure and the procedures followed during the treatment is called Bamboo cupping theraphy. The low air pressure required may be created by heating the cup or the air inside it with an open flame or a bath in hot scented oil, the placing it against the skin.